O Problema da Classificação dos Bens na República de Platão


  • Luiz Maurício Bentim da Rocha Menezes Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro




Platão, República, divisão, bens


Plato’s division of goods performed by Glaucon in the Republic involves three kinds of goods: the first kind would be desirable for their own sake; the second, desirable in themselves and in their consequences, and the third kind, only desirable in their consequences. The problem to understand it is thus presented: in which of these kinds is justice observed, and which one provides happiness to men. According to Socrates, justice should be placed on the second kind of good if men want to be happy. However, it is not in this way that the many (polloi) hold justice, for they include it in the third kind. Having this difference under perspective, Glaucon defends this point of view, willing afterwards to listen to Socrates’ refutation of his argument and the defence of justice as being a good desirable in themselves and their consequences. The aim of our work is to present an interpretation that can justly adapt to what Glaucon understands as 'in themselves' and as a 'consequence' of the goods in this division


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How to Cite

Menezes, L. M. B. da R. . (2020). O Problema da Classificação dos Bens na República de Platão. Journal of Ancient Philosophy, 14(2), 99-129. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-9471.v14i2p99-129