Chronotopic referentialization and depiction of a new world in J. F. Ndongo’s L’A-fric




Referentialization, Chronotope, Semio-narratology, Ethics, Being-together policy, New word


Beyond the examination of toponymy in the novel, is not also relevant to invest in the search for the meaning of non-places and heterotopias as available in the story of Sir Tortoise? What about the time factor represented in the same story through analeptic and proleptic narrative anachronies on the one hand, and the symbolic system of verbal tenses on the other hand? Does it not draw the attention of the reader on the pertinence of suggesting a new society in which the ethics of being together establishes itself as the model of suitable life in the intersubjective relations? In three parts, we scrutinize these questions, basing ourselves on semio-narratology, an eclectic theoretical framework. The ongoing study claims to question the space-time correlation which underlies the project of creating a new world in J.F. Ndongo’s novel.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Pierre Suzanne Eyenga Onana, Université de Yaoundé I

    Département de littérature et civilisations africaines de l'Université de Yaoundé I, responsable du niveau L3 (Licence).


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Como Citar

Eyenga Onana, P. S. (2018). Chronotopic referentialization and depiction of a new world in J. F. Ndongo’s L’A-fric. Non Plus, 6(11), 154-167.