Online Submission


Submissions of manuscripts to Revista Saúde e Sociedade must be made exclusively through the link below:

Scope and Policy

Editorial Policy

To disseminate scientific output at the interface of social and human sciences with the Public/Collective Health field; to publicize new social approaches to health, including those that understand the field of health as an object of social analysis; to host the technical output with relevant results for the progress and improvement of health systems and forms of care; to stimulate the debate on challenging health topics and struggles for quality of life.

Areas of interest

Since its creation, Saúde e Sociedade has published works from different fields of expertise related to or concerned with Public/Collective Health. It aims to encompass the output from different branches of the human and social sciences, incorporating both the scientific and theoretical production and that related to proposals for intervention and institutional practices.

Types of articles

All types of manuscripts must rigorously follow the rules of presentation available in the section "Preparation of Manuscripts", as well as the section "Ethics in scientific publication and plagiarism policy".

For word counting purposes, we do not include Abstracts. Remember that the Abstract(s) must be present in the body of the article, even if it is not part of the word count.

Saúde e Sociedade publishes original material of research and knowledge update, in the form of:

a) Articles - analytical texts resulting from original theoretical or empirical research, related to topics of interest to the journal (up to 7000 words and 30 references);

b) Essays - texts based on theoretical, methodological or thematic discussions, eliciting innovative aspects or discussing issues at stake in the range of interest of the journal (up to 7000 words and 30 references);

c) Critical review of literature - analytical texts resulting from syntheses of information available in the literature, which feed up-to-date discussions at the interface between social and human sciences and contribute to a critical and reflective, theoretically-based approach to the subject under debate (up to 7000 words. There is no limit to the number of references, as long as it does no exceed the number os words established);

d)Comments - short texts responding to previously published material in the journal, offering complementary information, contributions or respectful and constructive criticism, in order to foster the academic and technical debate of the field output -- by indicating the type of material on the Scholar System, please identify it as Letter to the Editor (up to 1000 words and 5 references); and

e) Interviews - testimonies of personalities or experts of the field aiming both the restoration of Public/Collective Health history and the update of topics of interest to the journal (up to 7000 words and 30 references).

The Journal publishes both spontaneous contributions fitting its editorial policy and experts’ articles written by request. Saúde e Sociedade may thus publish:

- Dossiers - essay-like or analytical texts resulting from original studies or research on a topic indicated by editors and at their request;
- Supplements – Special issues, with a set of articles on a specific theme or issue, submitted for evaluation by the journal by its proponents.
- Editorials - thematic texts under the editors or invited researchers' responsibility;
- Short comments, news or reviews of published books of interest to the field, at the request
of the editorial board;

Peer review procedure

The selection of articles for publication assesses the scientific merit and their compliance to the editorial norms adopted by the journal. All text sent for publication is submitted to  pre-assessment of the Editorial Board. Once approved, it is forwarded for peer review (at least two ad hoc referees). Both the identity of authors as well as referees shall be kept confidential. The material is then returned to authors if the reviewers suggest changes and/or corrections. In the case of divergent reviews, the text is forwarded to a third referee for arbitration. The final decision about the merit is under the Editorial Board's responsibility (editors, associate editors and ad hoc associate editors).

The texts are the responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily correspond to that of editors or the journal Editorial Board. 

On the originality of material

The contents of the articles submitted for publication must not have been previously published or simultaneously submitted to any other journal.

Copyright transference

By submitting an article, the authors agree to transfer all copyright related to the manuscript approved to the journal, being permitted its complete or partial reproduction in any other mean of publication, printed or digital, since the source is cited, conferring the due credit to the Saúde e Sociedade.

Ethics in scientific publishing and plagiarism policy

The detection of plagiarism implies the immediate exclusion of the assessment system.

Saúde e Sociedade takes the practice guidelines and the plagiarism policy elaborated by the Committee on Publications Ethics - COPE as a reference and, since 2019, it adopts specific softwares to measure textual or content similarity between the material submitted to assessment/publication and other publications, including those of the authors.
The intellectual output disseminated by the journal must be authorial and original. The editorial board will ascertain inadequate practices for scientific purposes, according to the aforementioned principles, without prejudice to the critical academic production and the expression of freedom of thought.

The Journal emphatically refutes all forms of plagiarism or any attempt of misappropriation of others' intellectual work, including self-plagiarism based on the demands of academic productivism, which is incompatible with the responsible knowledge sharing. The originality of pieces submitted to assessment/publication is considered both with regards to the authorial sources of the developed and/or referred contents and to the formal aspects of writing.

Upon submitting the texts, we request the authors to ponder about the actual need to include them name of co-authors in manuscripts, including the cases of participation of academic research supervisors and coordinators. There must be a particular caution regarding works derived from Master's, PhD's and post-doc research, so that the authors do not commit self-plagiarism. Even in the cases of manuscripts inspired by or derived from stricto sensu research, it is important that the sources of contents, while preserving the identity of authors during the assessment process, are duly referred to and the text is effectively original.


In case the text results from research funded by public or private entities, this information must be
mandatorily provided at the submission, on the cover sheet attached as FILE NOT FOR REVIEW.

On Authorship

People designated as authors must have participated in the preparation of the papers, so that they may take public responsibility for its contents. To be qualify as author, they must have taken part in the conception, design, analisys or interpretation of data, or must have written the paper or participated of its critical review and approval of the version to be published.

The authorship and their contribution must be send in a separate document (cover sheet), attached as FILE NOT FOR REVIEW. The manuscript file must not present data that lead to the identification of authorship, such as: authors' names, which must also not appear in the name or identification of the file; identification number of the ethics committee's opinion; name of research; funding source, among others.


Saúde e Sociedade does not charge submission fees, review or publication of articles.

Languages, translation and erratum

Manuscripts in Portuguese, Spanish and English are accepted. Articles submitted in Spanish or English must necessarily be translated into Portuguese and published in these two languages. For articles submitted in Portuguese, translation into English is optional. All translations are carried out by the journal, but the costs must be paid by the authors according to the journal's guidelines.

Changes will not be accepted after the manuscript has been approved. Exceptions may be evaluated by our Editors based on justifications provided by the authors. If approved, the changes will be published through an erratum and the costs must be paid by the authors according to the journal's guidelines.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Before submitting, check if your manuscript answer all the requests provided in our checklist.


A4 paper, 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 space, font Times New Roman 12.

The maximum number of words, including figures and bibliographical references, is up to 7000 words, except for comments whose limit is 1000 words.


Cover sheet

Author(s) name(s): everyone must inform her/his institutional affiliation (in descending order, for instance: University, College, and Department) and e-mail. The author responsible for correspondence must also inform her/his full address (street, city, ZIP code, state, country). Data related to authorship, information on authors and funding must come apart from the article, in a file not submitted to blind review (supplemental file NOT for review).

Manuscript (main document)

Title: Up to 50 words. Concise and informative. In the original language and in English.

Abstract: it should reflect the fundamental aspects of the piece, in up to 200 words including goals, methods and results. The abstract should precede the text and be in the language of the text and in English. Even if you do not include it/them in the word count, the abstract(s) must be present in the manuscript file.

Keywords: up to 5, in the language of the text and in English, presented after the abstract. The authors should consult DeCS (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde) and/or Sociological Abstracts.


Graphs and tables: Graphs and tables should be presented in the original program (for example, Excel: in .xls), properly identified.

Images: Images (figures and photos) should be in high resolution (300 dpi), in JPG or TIF, at least 8 cm wide.

All the illustrations must be submitted as files apart. Images that may identify the authors must be submitted as FILE NOT FOR REVIEW.

Citations in the text: They must follow the ABNT standard.

Citations and references

Citations must follow the ABNT standard, following the author-date system.

The authors are responsible for accuracy of the citations and references in the text. They must comply with ABNT NBR 6023 [Brazilian Association of Technical Standards], be presented at the end of the work in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author. See some examples below:


FORTES, P. A. de C.; RIBEIRO, H. (Org.). Saúde global. São Paulo: Manole, 2014.

Book Chapter

GOTLIEB, S. L. D.; LAURENTI, R.; MELLO JORGE, M. H. P. Crianças, adolescentes e jovens do Brasil no fim do século XX. In: WESTPHAL, M. F. Violência e criança. São Paulo: EDUSP, 2002. p. 45-72.

Journal Article

BASTOS, W. et al. Epidemia de fitnessSaúde e Sociedade, São Paulo, v. 22, n. 2, p. 485-496, 2013.


SANTOS, A. L. D. dos. Histórias de jovens que vivenciaram a maternidade na adolescência menor: uma reflexão sobre as condições de vulnerabilidade. 2006. Tese (Doutorado em Saúde Materno-Infantil)-Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2006.

Electronic Documents

WHO GLOBAL MALARIA PROGRAMME. World malaria report: 2010.
Geneva: WHO, 2010. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2011.

Legislation (Law, Ordinance etc.)

- Print version

BRASIL. Lei nº 9887, de 7 de dezembro de 1999. Altera a legislação tributária federal. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, DF, 8 dez. 1996. Seção 1, p. 13.

- Electronic version

BRASIL. Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego. Portaria nº 485, de 11 de novembro de 2005. Aprova a Norma Regulamentadora nº 32 (Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho em Estabelecimentos de Saúde). Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, DF, 16 nov. 2005. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 jan. 2007.

Newspaper article

CUPANI, G. População sedentária preocupa médicos reunidos em simpósio. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 15 out. 2010. Equilíbrio e Saúde, p. 14.

Papers presented at events (Congresses, Symposia, etc.)

- Print version

COUTO, M. T.; SOTT, R. P. Ética, diversidade e saúde reprodutiva. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAS EM SAÚDE, 2., 1999, São Paulo. Livro de resumos... São Paulo: Abrasco: Unifesp, 1999, p. 100.

- Electronic version

CARVALHO, C. A. Religião e aids: segredos e silêncios. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PREVENÇÃO EM DST/AIDS, 4., 2001, Cuiabá. Anais... Brasília, DF: Ministério da Saúde, 2001, p. 71-72. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 18 ago.2006.

Open Access

Saúde e Sociedade uses the Open Access publishing model, so its content is free to read and download, favoring the dissemination of knowledge.


Material submission 

Exclusively by Scholar system, available at