Rural Traditions at the party from divine eternal father in Trindade (GO): periodic trade and pilgrimage of cars of oxen


  • Carlos Eduardo S. Maia
  • Tito Oliveira Coelho



Periodic trade, Pilgrimage, Rural traditions.


The present work treats of the retail periodic trade and of the Pilgrimage of Cars of Oxen in time-space of the party from Divine Eternal Father in Trindade, GO, events that
reveal, in this town, how rural traditions. It opposed, upwards from an associate-cultural discussion of data raised in archive, newspapers, magazines, books and dossier connected to the theme, over interviews and questionnaires applied in two thousand one (2001) and two thousand two (2002). To study about the party how important element to the sporadic merchants, landlords of points (inhabitant from town) and to the Municipal District from Trindade. The pilgrimage of cars of oxen is seen how one of their singulars components, because, in spite there to be others in Goiás, no one it equal to that one in number of participators. They showed up, swiftly some, aspects from the history of the party from Camp from Barro Preto, in order to understand it the insertion of these elements (trade and popular festival) how locals traditions, analyzing it, parallelly, the interference of the clergy and of laymen agents in the organization of the Party. It checked that these multiple influences (of power and of the church). They resulted in change constants in the manner to do the party, recreating the art to do the party, recreating the art to realize it, establishing the tradition of the pilgrimage to the Eternal Father in Trindade and bringing more and more sellers and consumers.


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How to Cite

Rural Traditions at the party from divine eternal father in Trindade (GO): periodic trade and pilgrimage of cars of oxen. (2005). Agrária (São Paulo. Online), 3, 103-122.