Domestic animals in the Algodoal-Maiandeua Environmental Protection Area in the state of Pará: actions for One Health




One health, Conservation unit, Population control, Zoonoses, Human interventions


Environmental protection areas suffer from human interventions such as introducing domestic animals (dogs and cats) without management or sanitary care, causing public health inconvenience and conserving natural ecosystems. This is especially the case when populations are established without any reproductive control, interfering in the daily interspecies relationships, which can cause ecosystem imbalances. Given this, the objective of this research was to carry out activities to promote One Health in the Sustainable Use Conservation Unit Algodoal Maiandeua Environmental Protection Area located in the municipality of Maracanã in the State of Pará, through actions that involved vaccination, deworming, and surgical sterilization of dogs and cats, as well as educational lectures on animal welfare, guardianship, crimes of abuse, and zoonoses. During the actions involving cats and dogs, 208 animals were vaccinated, 138 were dewormed, and 237 were sterilized. For this reason, it is crucial to sustain these actions by focusing on One Health aspects of native fauna conservation and the continuity of ecological processes on the island. 


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How to Cite

David MBM, Santana RLS, Carvalho EL de, Cabral G da S, Moreira LFM, Giese EG. Domestic animals in the Algodoal-Maiandeua Environmental Protection Area in the state of Pará: actions for One Health. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];61:e215321. Available from: