Intersectoral articulation for population management strategies of free-roaming colony cats in Curitiba, Brazil
TNR, Collective Veterinary Medicine, Zoonosis control, Sporotrichosis, Animal welfareAbstract
Colony cats, free-living cats or feral cats are animals descended from domestic cats, capable of living and reproducing in the wild. The management of these populations is fundamental for the control of zoonoses, especially sporotrichosis, and must be structured on a legal and ethical basis and on the science of animal welfare, as well as intersectoral involvement, which is fundamental for implementing actions in a comprehensive and effective manner. The trap, neuter and return (TNR) of these animals is a fundamental strategy for stabilizing the population of colonies. The program includes capturing animals using traps; transporting them to the surgical center; clinical evaluation and adoption of health measures, as necessary; surgical sterilization (orchiectomy and ovarian-pingohysterectomy); registration and identification; immediate post-operative care; return to the place of origin and maintenance and monitoring of the animals. The article discusses the application of population management strategies to a colony of free-roaming cats identified in Curitiba by independent animal protectors at a distribution unit of Companhia Paranaense de Energia (COPEL). Three TNR actions were carried out between May and October 2023, resulting in the capture of 16 animals. The sterilization actions and the organizational capacity of the intersectoral coordination between COPEL, independent protectors and the Center for Veterinary Medicine of the Federal University of Paraná Collective (MVC-UFPR Center) were analyzed in the SWOT matrix, highlighting strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats, crucial data to guide future interventions.
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