Le paradigme des passions: Aristote et les définitions non physiques de la colère


  • Cristina Viano Centre Léon Robin, Paris IV-CNRS




Aristotle, passions, anger


I want address two main issues in this paper: (i) how did Aristotle get at his definition of anger in Book II of Rhetoric, and (ii) why does anger play the role of paradigm for every investigation on passions? Before sketching out an answer to both questions, I examine the definitions of anger in different contexts: in the De anima, in the Ethics, in the Topics, and in the Rhetoric as well. 


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How to Cite

Viano, C. (2014). Le paradigme des passions: Aristote et les définitions non physiques de la colère. Journal of Ancient Philosophy, 8(1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-9471.v8i1p1-19