Assessment of motor function in individuals with hemiplegia post-stroke




Hemiplegia, Gait, Muscle Weakness, Functional Tests


This study aims to compare the performance
of the sit-to-stand test and walking speed in individuals with
chronic hemiplegia post-stroke and a control group (CG).
Moreover, we will investigate whether lower limb resistance,
measured based on the sit-to-stand test, is related to walking
speed in individuals with chronic hemiplegia and a CG.
Finally, we will verify if there are intra-group differences for
the tests by dividing the hemiplegia group (HG) according to
motor and sensorimotor function assessment classification.
A cross-sectional design was used among a group with
chronic hemiplegia (n=28) and a healthy CG (n=22). The HG
was classified by the Fugl-Meyer scale, and both groups were
evaluated using the 1-minute sit-to-stand test. The walking
speed was calculated using a 3D kinematics system. Lower
limb resistance among HG differed significantly from the
CG, as well as walking speed. We found a strong correlation
between the tests (ρ=0.773; p<0.001). No differences were
found for the sit-to-stand tests and walking speed when
dividing the HG into individuals with greater or lesser
motor and sensory impairment, using the Fugl-Meyer scale.
Therefore, individuals with hemiplegia, regardless of having
a more pronounced classification of motor and sensory
impairment on the Fugl-Meyer scale, showed lower limb resistance and lower walking speed compared with individuals
without hemiplegia post-stroke.


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How to Cite

Assessment of motor function in individuals with hemiplegia post-stroke. (2023). Fisioterapia E Pesquisa, 30(2), e22008723pt.