Effect of submucosal cryotherapy compared with steroids and NSAIDs injections on Substance P and Interleukin 6 pulpal release in experimentally induced pulpal inflammation in rabbits
Analgesics, Animal model, Cryotherapy, Inflammation, Interleukin 6, Substance PAbstract
Objective: To compare the effect of submucosal cryotherapy using cold saline to dexamethasone sodium phosphate and diclofenac sodium injections on substance P and interleukin 6 release in experimentally induced pulpal inflammation in rabbits’ molar teeth. Methodology: Fifteen rabbits were randomly classified into 3 groups according to the submucosal injection given: cold saline, dexamethasone sodium phosphate, and diclofenac sodium. A split-mouth design was adopted, the right mandibular molars were experimental, and the left molars served as the control without injections. Intentional pulp exposures were created and left for 6 hours to induce pulpitis. Pulpal tissue was extracted and examined for SP and IL-6 levels using ELISA. Within each group, the level of cytokines released was measured for both control and experimental groups for intragroup comparison to determine the effect of injection. The percentage reduction of each mediator was calculated compared with the control side for intergroup comparison then the correlation between SP and IL-6 levels was analyzed using Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient. Statistical analysis was performed, and the significance level was set at p<0.05. Results: Submucosal cryotherapy, dexamethasone sodium phosphate, and diclofenac sodium significantly reduced SP and IL-6 pulpal release. Submucosal cryotherapy significantly reduced SP more than and IL-6 more than dexamethasone sodium phosphate and diclofenac sodium. Pulpal reduction of SP and IL-6 showed a strong positive significant correlation. Conclusions: Submucosal cryotherapy reduces the pulpal release of SP and IL-6 and could be tested as an alternative to premedication to potentiate the effect of anesthesia and control postoperative endodontic pain.
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