Phosphorus spatial distribution and mass balance in the Itaipu lagoon (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)


  • Marcelo Lobo
  • Daniel Loureiro
  • Aguinaldo Nepomuceno
  • Leandro Alves
  • Fernando Lamego



Phosphorus loads, Domestic sewage, Eutrophication, Sedimentation, Coastal lagoon


The degradation of tropical coastal lagoon systems in urban areas of the least developed countries has been associated with an increase in impermeable areas and poor domestic sewage treatment, increasing land-based runoff of nutrients and suspended solids from catchments. This study aimed to assess the biogeochemical changes caused by human interventions through the analysis of the spatial distribution of sedimentary phosphorus (P) and its mass balance in the Itaipu lagoon, located on the east coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Human intervention in the Itaipu lagoon system has caused severe imbalances in biogeochemical cycles over the past decades. Watercourses have been channeled to normalize the hydrological regime and increase hydraulic energy, improving sediment transport capacity. In this context, the increase in runoff from the coastal urban basin into the Itaipu lagoon has buried an increasing amount of phosphorus in the sediment. Recently, a regional increase in storm events caused a series of landslides and floods, which have been reported as possible consequences of global climate change. In recent decades, the synergy between landslides and river channeling has increased TP loads, accelerating phosphorus settling and changing P spatial distribution in surface sediments. This has accelerated siltation of the lagoon with an accumulation of nutrients and organic matter, leading in some cases to sediment anoxia. The lagoon has undergone strong eutrophication, changing its trophic state from meso- to hypertrophic in less than 30 years, even though P loads are not as high as in other coastal lagoons. Our findings confirm that human intervention impacts nutrient loads, which in turn disrupt the balance of biogeochemical cycles, compromising coastal water resources. This leads to the collapse of ecosystem services, another step towards degrading planetary boundaries.


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How to Cite

Phosphorus spatial distribution and mass balance in the Itaipu lagoon (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). (2023). Ocean and Coastal Research, 71.