Subtidal benthic marine litter off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


  • Fábio Vieira de Araújo
  • Eduardo da Silva Videla
  • Bruno Pereira Masi
  • André Luiz Carvalho da Silva



Marine pollution, Benthic environments, Subtidal environment, Solid waste, Coastal environment


Several studies have reported on the presence of litter on beaches and in the oceans, but this represents the
smallest part of the litter that ends up in the sea. Little is known about the litter that settles on the ocean floor,
especially near coastal regions. Thus, this study quantified, classified and determined possible sources of subtidal
benthic marine litter input off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Different sites were selected in Guanabara Bay,
an area with the greatest industrial and population concentration in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and on the coasts
of Costa do Sol and Costa Verde, where tourism represents the main economic activity. Material was collected by
scuba diving at depths of between 5 and 15 meters at 31 sites distributed among the study areas. A total of 1,209
items was found, with Guanabara Bay having the highest average concentration (92.40 items/km2
), followed by
Costa do Sol and Costa Verde (14.15 items/km2
 and 9.91 items/km2
, respectively). Plastic materials are the most
representative solid waste (55.08%), followed by metals (14.97%) and fishing gear (12.48%). Results indicated
that local activities affected the composition of the marine litter on Costa do Sol and Costa Verde, whereas in
Guanabara Bay, anthropogenic material carried by rivers influenced the marine litter composition at certain locations
in addition to local activities. Environmental education actions associated with tourism and fishing activities and
better waste management are necessary to minimize the presence of litter in subtidal benthic environments. 


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How to Cite

Subtidal benthic marine litter off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (2024). Ocean and Coastal Research, 72.