Entrepreneurial potential and academic engagement in college students





Education, Entrepreneurship, Colleges, Students, Involvement


There is currently a need for adaptation in higher education due to the new demands of society. In this context, two factors are noteworthy: academic engagement and entrepreneurial education. This study aimed to examine whether entrepreneurship education influences academic engagement and entrepreneurial potential in college students participating and not participating in entrepreneurship education programs. It is a quantitative, exploratory, and correlational study on a 563-student sample, using the Entrepreneurial Potential Identification Scale - Escala para Identificar Potencial Empreendedor, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-Students, and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The results showed that students who entered an entrepreneurial training program had significantly higher rates of academic engagement and entrepreneurial potential, when compared with academics from institutions that did not have a program designed for this purpose. It is concluded that investing in entrepreneurial education can foster the generation of more engaged students with greater entrepreneurial potential.


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Author Biographies

  • Pedro Guilherme Basso Machado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

    Post-Doc Candidate of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba-PR, Brazil.

  • Paulo Cesar Porto Martins, Universidade Católica do Paraná

    Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba-PR, Brazil.

  • Dilmeire Santana Ramos Vosgerau, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

    Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba-PR, Brazil.

  • Juan José Camou Viacava, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

    Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba-PR, Brazil.


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Psychological Evaluation

How to Cite

Machado, P. G. B., Martins, P. C. P., Vosgerau, D. S. R., & Viacava, J. J. C. (2022). Entrepreneurial potential and academic engagement in college students. Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), 32, e3226. https://doi.org/10.1590/1982-4327e3226