An annotated avian inventory of the Brazilian state of Alagoas, one of the world’s most threatened avifauna




Aves, Endangered, Extinction, Murici, Pernambuco Center of Endemism


The northeast Brazilian state of Alagoas harbors a rather diverse, and one of the world’s most threatened, avifauna. However, the knowledge about its avifauna is currently scattered on several publications and the state’s birds have never been comprehensively assembled into a checklist. To fill this shortfall, we present here the first critical review of all available bird records for the state of Alagoas. We present a list of 520 bird species recorded in the state, of which 503 are supported by documentary evidence. We also comment on the distribution, migratory movements, taxonomy and conservation of the region’s avifauna and correct previous misidentified or invalid records for the state.


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How to Cite

Lima, R. D., Silveira, L. F., Lemos, R. C. de A., Lobo-Araújo, L. W., Andrade, A. B. de, Francisco, M. R., & Efe, M. A. (2022). An annotated avian inventory of the Brazilian state of Alagoas, one of the world’s most threatened avifauna. Papéis Avulsos De Zoologia, 62, e202262034.