Effects of age and income moderation on adoption of mobile payments in Brazil


  • Fernando Luis Abegão Neto Mestrado Profissional em Comportamento do Consumidor, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, ESPM.
  • Júlio Cesar Bastos de de Figueiredo Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, ESPM




Mobile Payments, Consumer Behavior, Technology Adoption, UTAUT


Purpose – This work aims to measure the effects of moderation by Age and Income in mobile payment systems' intended use as predictors of performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence, risk, and perceived costs.

Design/methodology/approach – The authors based this study on a survey that generated a sample of 1742 Brazilian users that responded to the measurement scale. The authors used the partial least squares structural equation model, to analyze the research data.

Findings – All proposed latent variables were significant. Income positively moderates the performance expectation and negatively moderates the perceived cost and perceived risk. In addition, age positively moderates performance expectation and negatively moderates cost perception.

Originality/value – Findings evolved from the previous literature by understanding the moderating effects that allow companies to operate in mobile payments to generate segmented communication and engagement plans for users of different incomes and age groups.


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Effects of age and income moderation on adoption of mobile payments in Brazil. (2023). INMR - Innovation & Management Review, 20(4), 353-364. https://doi.org/10.1108/INMR-06-2021-0109