Technological adoption: the case of PIX in Brazil
PIX, Payment system, Intention, Technological adoption, UTAUT2Resumo
PurposeThis study investigates the primary determinants of consumers' intention to adopt PIX as a payment method in Brazil, as well as their actual usage behavior.
Design/methodology/approachThe study employs the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to analyze both the intention to use and the actual period of use of PIX technology as a measure of practical usage. With this approach, researchers can determine whether people’s intention to use PIX translates into a higher rate of technology adoption and effective and sustained usage. The study collected data from 659 consumers across Brazil through a questionnaire and used structural equation analysis to analyze the data.
FindingsResearch suggests that the intention to adopt PIX as a payment method is mainly determined by the perceived value, performance expectancy, and the habit of using mobile internet. Positive associations are also confirmed between adoption intention, the effective usage time of PIX, and the habit of using mobile internet in conjunction with PIX use.
Originality/valueThe study’s uniqueness stems from its focus on the PIX usage, which is becoming the primary payment method in Brazil. It also measures the practical usage of the technology by examining the duration of user experience. This enables the assessment of whether the intention to use PIX effectively translates into a higher speed of technology adoption.
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