Innovation climate, human capital and dynamic capacities: interrelations between innovation antecedents


  • Eduardo Márcio Santos Galdino da Silva Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil and Policia Federal, Brasilia, Brazil
  • Alessandra Ferrari Weber Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil and Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telegrafos, Brasilia, Brazil
  • Marina Figueiredo Moreira Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil
  • Severino Moreira da Silva Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil and Policia Federal, Brasilia, Brazil



Antecedents of innovation, Innovation climate, Literature review, Dynamic capacity


Purpose – The purpose of this article is to investigate the interrelationships between innovation climate and human
capital in the development of dynamic capabilities related to innovation. The study presents a set of concepts about
variables involved in the innovation process and their interrelationship, addressing the analysis of international
scientific production related to the antecedents of the innovation climate, human capital and dynamic capabilities.
Design/methodology/approach – A review of the literature from 1998 to 2018 was carried out, using
descriptive statistical methods, at first, and qualitative analysis of the results in order to visualize the current
configuration of the field of study of innovation background.
Findings – The results demonstrate a significant number of studies relating human capital and dynamic
capabilities and little quantitative significance in studies relating to a climate of innovation and dynamic
capabilities. The research describes how the dynamic capabilities of innovation have been approached in a
conceptual model based on the perspective of human capital and innovation climate.
Research limitations/implications – The study did not contemplate the analysis of the interrelationship
between the resource configuration construct and the dynamic innovation capacities (part of the gap pointed out by
Tuzovic, Wirtz and Heracleous (2018), constituting a perceptible limitation of the analyzes carried out in this article.
Practical implications – The influence of the innovation climate construct and its relationship with dynamic
innovation capabilities deserves greater attention in research with an empirical approach, constituting a field to
be explored by scientific research in organizations.
Originality/value – The research sought to investigate the gap involving the interrelations between
innovation climate and human capital in the development of dynamic capabilities related to innovation,
indicating the need for further empirical studies on the subject.


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Como Citar

Innovation climate, human capital and dynamic capacities: interrelations between innovation antecedents. (2023). INMR - Innovation & Management Review, 19(4), 270-289.