Influence of the music listening in the physical exercises of adult people


  • Nathália Sixel Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; Faculdade de Educação Física e Desportos
  • Carlos Alberto de Andrade Coelho Filho Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; Faculdade de Educação Física e Desportos



Physical exercises, Accession, Music


Considering the importance of the knowledge about the aspects influencing the adherence to physical exercises programs, this qualitative research, aims to verify the influence of the music as a motivation to the gymnastic practice in the project "Gymnastic and aesthetic balance". To collect empirical data we used the dynamics of focus groups. Fourteen women took part in one of these groups. Considering the analysis and interpretation of the collected data, we highlight the following conclusions: 1) the music in the context of the physical exercises practices can lead the practitioner into a state of "flow or creep" favoring certain oblivion of everyday life, generating greater involvement in the activity; 2) the music can put the practice of physical exercises in the dimension of the play, as when a person moves the body in the direction of the musical vibration, he/she "plays with the body"; 3) the use of musical pulses during the practice of physical exercises may help the accuracy and speed of motor gestures, contributing to the motivation and to the income of both, the group and the individual; 4) concerning a subjective state favored by music, it is possible to observe that the songs have the power to retrieve good or bad memories for some people and therefore, within a group, this effect will escape a possible objective control; 5) high music volume was appointed as a demotivating factor for generating tiredness and irritability.


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Artigos Originais - Pedagogia e Comportamento

How to Cite

Rodrigues, N. S., & Coelho Filho, C. A. de A. (2012). Influence of the music listening in the physical exercises of adult people . Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 26(1), 87-95.