Pregnancy and childbirth: What changes in the lifestyle of women who become mothers?


  • Emília de Carvalho Coutinho School of Health of Viseu IPV/CIDETS
  • Cristina Bastos da Silva Currently Unaffiliated
  • Cláudia Margarida Balula Chaves School of Health of Viseu IPV/CIDETS
  • Paula Alexandra Batista Nelas School of Health of Viseu IPV/CIDETS
  • Vitória Barros Castro Parreira School of Nursing of Porto
  • Maria Odete Amaral School of Health of Viseu IPV/CIDETS
  • João Carvalho Duarte School of Health of Viseu IPV/CIDETS



Pregnancy is a period influenced by the interaction of several factors, therefore this study aimed to identify changes in lifestyles due to pregnancy and childbirth in Portuguese and immigrant women in Portugal. This is a qualitative study, using the semi-structured interview, with eighty-two Portuguese and immigrant women. Content analysis was used, with verbatim classification supported by Nvivo 10. It was authorized by an Ethics Commission. Results revealed that the primary changes in lifestyles due to pregnancy were in eating habits (nutrition), daily activity, exposure to danger, sleep and rest patterns, social and family relationships, going out, self-care, work, clothing and footwear, travel, health monitoring and sexual activity and substances consumption. The main change after the birth, manifested by these women, was that their lives began to revolve around their baby.


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How to Cite

Coutinho, E. de C., Silva, C. B. da, Chaves, C. M. B., Nelas, P. A. B., Parreira, V. B. C., Amaral, M. O., & Duarte, J. C. (2014). Pregnancy and childbirth: What changes in the lifestyle of women who become mothers? . Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 48(spe2), 17-24.