Iatrogeny in intensive care nursing: multidimensional analysis: previous note


  • Kátia Grillo Padilha Universidade de São Paulo; Escola de Enfermagem




The nursing care in intensive care unit is to recover vital functions with maximum security. Iatrogenic accidents may occur and they will bring many injuries to patient. The number of registered occurence is lower than the incidence that implies on risk factor with interference in the care of critical patient. Iatrogenesis is derived from "iatros" as doctor and "genesis" as original. The term has been used amply to identify harmful actions. LACAZ et alii3 wrote iatrogenic illness is propagated by doctors, assistants, pharmaceutical and nurses. In relation to nursing the iatrogenic illness is derived to: drug administration in incorrect administration, burn by hot pouch, hemorrhage because disconnection of catheters, asphyxia by endotraqueal obstruction, fractures and trauma consequece of fall and others1,2. OGUISSO5 studied legal aspects of nursing record and obtained, in decrescent order: fall of bed, change drug administration, burn, hemorhage as vigilance fault, nasogastric ectopic catheter, change of children. She concluded that the events are grave, there were incorrect recording and without rubric. These incidents will be more possible to occur in special units where there are critical patients with sophisticated procedures like the intensive care units. Many questions will be asked: how many times the incidents occured in those units? What are risk factors associated with these occurence? In this projects, we will study the conditions that they occured, analysis with sistemic approach and determine risk factors inherent in the iatrogenic illness and other connections.


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How to Cite

Padilha, K. G. (1988). Iatrogeny in intensive care nursing: multidimensional analysis: previous note. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 22(1), 141-143. https://doi.org/10.1590/0080-6234198802200100141