Students opinion as to the eaching of the nursing diagnosis according to NANDA


  • Maria Helena Baena de Moraes Lopes Universidade Estadual de Campinas; CAISM
  • Ianê Nogueira do Vale Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Divisão de Enfermagem
  • Margarida Barbosa Universidade Estadual de Campinas; CAISM



Nursing diagnosis, Teaching


In accordance to North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) , nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgement of the individual, family or community answers to the vital process or to the actual or potential health problems.These gives the basis for the itervention selection, by which the nurse is responsible. Believing in the importance of nursing diagnosis, its teaching was introduced 4 years ago In the subjects of Womans Health Assistence and Perinatal Nursing, In the 6o. period of the undergraduate course In nursing at UNICAMP. Aiming At evaluating these experience, we proposed to get the students opinion and obtain subsides to perfect teaching. Teoric teaching of 4 hours was given and it was indicated the basical bibliography. The supervised pratical application was developed during 21 hours in a neonatal unit and 45 hours in health, centers. At the end of the subjects, 16 students aswered a form with closed and open questions. All the students considered valid the study of the nursing diagnoses. Most of the students considered more proper to introduce the teaching in the 3°. semester, when the nursing basic procedues is begun. As to the difficult of learning in the use of diagnoses, 68,7% of the students reported a diffucult level higher to 25% and lower to 75%. The students group consideres that the study of nursing diagnoses brought modifications in, its concept of nursing assistance.


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How to Cite

Lopes, M. H. B. de M., Vale, I. N. do, & Barbosa, M. (1997). Students opinion as to the eaching of the nursing diagnosis according to NANDA . Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 31(1), 80-88.