The changing practice and teaching in psychiatric nursing


  • Sônia Barros USP; Escola de Enfermagem; Departamento de Enfermagem Materno-Infantil e Psiquiátrica
  • Ana Luisa Aranha e Silva CAPS
  • Ana Cristina Delgado Lopérgolo Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo; Faculdade de Psicologia; Núcleo de Subjetividade
  • Ana Maria Fernandes Pitta Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina; Departamento de Medicina Preventiva



Teaching care integration program, Psychosocial rehabilitation, Teaching in psychiatric nursing


ABSTRACT In the context of recent changes that are taking place in the field of mental health care in Brazil, the University has the responsibility to redimensioning human, resources qualification of mental health workers: At the Mental Health Care and Educational Program of the University of São Paulo and São Paulo Health Office (São Paulo/Brazil), an experience still in course, the nursing students attending to psychiatric nurse training evaluated that theoretical practical education, dealing with health care issues in the field of Psychosocial Rehabilitation purpose, at the same time that directly interferes in the qualification of practices, simultaneously develops the students attitudes and knowledge that qualify them to perform coherent practices in accordance with rehabilitation models of care.


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How to Cite

Barros, S., Silva, A. L. A. e, Lopérgolo, A. C. D., & Pitta, A. M. F. (1999). The changing practice and teaching in psychiatric nursing. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 33(2), 192-199.