Proposal of basis survey to the assistance family and to the spinal cord injuried patient's caregiver


  • Ana Cristina Mancussi e Faro USP; Escola de Enfermagem; Departamento de Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica



Family, Nursing care


This study proposes a basis survey for assistance to the family and caregivers because we believe there is necessity of family participation on the treatment, trying to understand and share the disease or deficiency situation. We objectified to sketch the relationship degree and the people's gender that accompanied the spinal cord injuried hurted medular patient in nursing consultations and to discuss the necessity of basis survey to the assistance family and to the caregiver. 101 nursing consultations were accomplished, in clinic health, to the spinal cord injuried patient and his/her relative and 36 patients were totalized, from this number 26 (72.22%) were male and 10 (27.78%), were female. It was verified that the men with medular lesion, in the greater number (21-80.760/o), were accompanied with his relatives specially mother and wife, while the women with medular lesion, in the greater number too (7-70%) were accompanied with her relatives of diversified proximity. In reference to the basis survey that comprehend the care at house and the caregiver necessity, we can affirm its relevance, trying to context the family support identified attending the caregivers.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Faro, A. C. M. e. (1999). Proposal of basis survey to the assistance family and to the spinal cord injuried patient’s caregiver. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 33(4), 334-341.