The working process in labor care in Londrina-PR


  • Thelma Malagutti Sodré UEL; Departamento de Enfermagem
  • Rúbia Aparecida Lacerda USP; Escola de Enfermagem; Departamento Médico-Cirúrgica



Obstetricial nursing, Labor, obstetric, Nursing process


In this study, delivery care in the city of Londrina, State of Paraná, was investigated under the focus of health professionals' decisions to prescribe procedures such as fasting, enema and trichotomy. The theoretical referential was historical and dialectical materialism. The data survey was carried out in 2000 in five institutions and included individual interviews with ten obstetricians, eight nurses and one midwife. The interviews were interpreted using the speech analysis and then the thematic phrases were extracted. It was possible to identify the working process and its constitutive elements. The physician is the only one with decision power. Such power is reinforced by the following instruments identified in the study: medical prescriptions, nursing staff's work and the place where it is practiced - the hospital. The knowledge that supports this practice is the clinical model, represented by non-individualized interventions that focus more on the agents' needs than on their object's (the parturient).


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How to Cite

Sodré, T. M., & Lacerda, R. A. (2007). The working process in labor care in Londrina-PR. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 41(1), 82-89.