Nurses' view on the coordination of health actions among professionals of family health teams


  • Isabel Cristina dos Santos Colomé Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Centro de Educação Superior Norte (CESNORS) de Palmeira das Missões
  • Maria Alice Dias da Silva Lima UFRGS; Escola de Enfermagem
  • Roberta Davis Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Porto Alegre; Setor de Emergência



Family Health Program, Interprofessional relations, Patient care team^i2^sorganization & administrat


This study was aimed at knowing the conception nurses who work in the Family Health Program have about the development of teamwork regarding the coordination of the actions of the various professionals that comprise it. It is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 23 nurses. The analysis of the data was carried out based on Theme Analysis. The results showed that the nurses, at certain moments, coordinate their actions with the other professionals of the team. However, there are factors that make this coordination difficult, such as excess of demand from users and lack of time for the professionals to prepare the collective planning of their practices and develop preventive actions. According to the results obtained, it is necessary to reorganize the work process in order to perform an effectively integrated work.


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How to Cite

Colomé, I. C. dos S., Lima, M. A. D. da S., & Davis, R. (2008). Nurses’ view on the coordination of health actions among professionals of family health teams. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 42(2), 256-261.