Psychological distress and community approach to the voice of the community health agent


  • Pâmela Câmpelo Paiva Universidade de Fortaleza; Public Health
  • Mônica de Olivera Nunes de Torrenté Universidade Federal da Bahia; Public Health Institute
  • Fátima Luna Pinheiro Landim Universidade Federal do Ceará; Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará
  • July Grassiely de Oliveira Branco Universidade de Fortaleza; Collective Health
  • Bruna Caroline Rodrigues Tamboril Universidade de Fortaleza; Collective Health
  • Ana Larisse Teles Cabral Universidade de Fortaleza; Collective Health



The user in psychological distress needs a service that provides a targeted assistance, that welcomes when required, acting as originator care device to the user on the network of health care. This study aimed to describe how people in psychological distress are perceived by the community in the voice of the community health worker. It is a qualitative research conducted with eighteen Community Health Agents, a Primary Care Unit Health (UAP) located in BE IV, in Fortaleza, Ceará. We used a semi-structured and individual interview. Data processing was due to the content analysis. Ethical and legal aspects on the advice No. 957,595. Through the speeches of ACS, it describes how the community perceives the person in psychic suffering and how it positions itself in the face of your everyday problems, as regards the rejection, prejudice, discrimination ne loss of identity. However it is emphasized that, because of being inserted in the community, the community health worker realizes more accurate way in which this social group is the person in mental distress. The rejection of the person who became ill is seen as a fairly common reaction, accompanied by prejudice and discrimination, marginalizing her from society.


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How to Cite

Paiva, P. C., Torrenté, M. de O. N. de, Landim, F. L. P., Branco, J. G. de O., Tamboril, B. C. R., & Cabral, A. L. T. (2016). Psychological distress and community approach to the voice of the community health agent . Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 50(spe), 139-144.