Strength and weaknesses of the case study method when applied to area of information systems


  • Mírian Oliveira PUCRS; FACE
  • Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada UFRGS; EA
  • Vanessa Goldoni UFRGS; EA



Case Study, Scientific Method, Information Systems


The evolution of the area of information systems in Brazil proceeds, among other considerations, by rigorous application of scientific methods, qualitative or quantitative. A significant amount of scientific research in this area has adopted the case study method. This article analyzed how this method dealt with planning, collection and analysis of data in Brazil for surveys published from 2003 to 2005 in the administration of information area of the meeting of the Associação Nacional de Programas de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração and journals classified as “A” in the Administration area by Qualis of Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. The method adopted in this study was descriptive in relation to the proposed objective. In general, methodological elements recommended in literature were not included in the articles analyzed and published both in magazines and by Enanpad. The main contribution of this article was the framework proposed for analysis by the case study.


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Ensino em Administração

How to Cite

Strength and weaknesses of the case study method when applied to area of information systems . (2009). REGE Revista De Gestão, 16(1), 33-49.