Prevalence of depressive symptoms in medical students at a university in northeastern Brazil




Depression, Mental health, Medical students


Introduction: Depression is a complex disease, and its onset and development are influenced by several factors. Medical students represent a group that is vulnerable to the disease, as they deal with daily stressors throughout their undergraduate studies. Objective: To study the prevalence of symptoms of major depressive disorder among medical students at a higher education institution in the state of Alagoas, northeastern Brazil. Methodology: Epidemiological study carried out with the participation of 259 medical students from a higher education institution in the northeast region of the country, from August 2019 to July 2020. The data collection instruments were a socio-demographic questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results: In this study, the prevalence of depressive symptoms was 51.80%. Regarding psychological and psychiatric treatment, most students answered that they had never sought professional help, although 29.3% were using psychotropic drugs. Conclusion: The information collected can contribute to the country’s epidemiological data, enabling improvements in the training of undergraduate students, as the identification of the problem and its associated variables may help in the development of new approaches and raise awareness about this pathology and its proper care.


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How to Cite

Melo, B. T. de, Ferreira , J. S., Nunes de Melo, S., Farias Correia, M. L., Carvalho de Mourão, A. R., & Alves Bomfim, A. M. (2022). Prevalence of depressive symptoms in medical students at a university in northeastern Brazil. Revista De Medicina, 101(3), e-189987.