Applications of digital health in obstetric care: impacts and perspectives that go beyond the COVID-19 pandemic




obstetrics, digital health, pandemic.


Introduction: The women's welfare is viewed as a whole in women's health perspective, which may be exemplified as obstetrics and prenatal care, only by the means of access to health services and quality of information offered during pregnancy. Those factors enlarge women's empowerment, decrease pregnancy complications and mortality among this population. Along with COVID-19 pandemic, many informatized systems have been used in women's health and during pregnancy in order to improve quality of care, telehealth and mobile applications are important base constitutives of e-Health facilitating in doctor-patient communication.

Objective: To evaluate in the scientific literature about the impacts of digital health system implementation on health promotion and pregnancy health care during prenatal and validation of pregnant information.

Methods: Data search among PubMed, Scielo, Google Scholar and BVS between the period of 2019 and 2021, using Portuguese and English descriptions, including on this review meta-analysis, prospective and retrospective cohorts and case reports.

Results and Discussion: The analysis comprehends in 13 selected articles that were included in three main areas involved in e-Health and obstetrics care, pregnancy information validity constitutes a building up public policy tool and empowers epidemiologic research, besides the fact that this information being as part of an active pregnancy's participation and maternal and infant health promotion. Educational health promotion mobile application is a popular way that telemedicine found to intervene in doctor-patient relationship. Thereby, even during pandemic times, prenatal care is an obstetrics health tool that was made approachable and diversified by e-Health. Lastly, the birth plan presents itself as an effective tool in prenatal, since it facilitates pregnancy communication among the medical team, family and friends about its birth preferences, which stimulates women to be part and protagonist of their own birth, humanizing it in this way.

Conclusion: Through the analysis of the articles it was found that the obstetrics health information technology allows an integral care using mobile applications as electronic media improving health care and shortening health access barriers. Allied to an informatized birth plan, it's possible to share educational content and potencialize women's decision-making process.


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Author Biography

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Artigos de Revisão/Review Articles

How to Cite

Perez, M. P. ., Oliveira, N. C. F. de, & Reis, Z. S. N. . (2023). Applications of digital health in obstetric care: impacts and perspectives that go beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista De Medicina, 102(4), e-199087.