Cross-sectional study on neurological sequelae in patients with COVID 19 in AMREC and AMESC regions of Santa Catarina




Covid-19, Sars-Cov-2, Disorder, Neurologic, Anosmia, Disorders Sleep


INTRODUCTION: COVID-long refers to the group of symptoms that persist one month after the acute phase of the disease. Fatigue, dyspnea, sensory changes, myalgia, cognitive changes stand out as the main manifestations observed. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the scenario of neurological sequelae associated with COVID-19 in the Associação de Municípios do Extremo Sul Catarinense (AMESC) and Associação dos Municípios da Região Carbonífera (AMREC) regions of Santa Catarina. METHODS: A total of 541 infected patients who were not in the acute phase of the disease participated in the survey. By means of structured telephone interviews, data regarding symptoms and treatment were obtained from these patients. RESULTS: It was found that 71.1% of the interviewed patients reported symptoms of COVID-long, mainly among women (65.4%). Cognitive changes (41.8%), anosmia (33.3%), taste alterations (27.3%) were the most frequent COVID-long neurological manifestations among the participants in the two regions surveyed. There was a significant relationship between the duration of sleep disturbance in AMREC and AMESC (p = 0.014), as well as between the duration of treatment in AMESC and no treatment in AMREC (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Among the neurological manifestations, there was a higher frequency of cognitive changes, anosmia, and taste disorders among individuals in the two regions studied. Moreover, the search for home treatment, primary and specialized care among AMESC patients and the lack of it among AMREC ones demonstrate significant difference between the regional scenarios. Thereby, the duration of sleep disorders, more frequent during the acute phase among AMESC participants, showed relevant distinction between the participants from the two regions, suggesting the need for more complete and prolonged studies in these populations.


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How to Cite

Assunção, J. M. P. da, Raupp, T. A. M., Mazon, J., & Tarabay, F. T. (2023). Cross-sectional study on neurological sequelae in patients with COVID 19 in AMREC and AMESC regions of Santa Catarina. Revista De Medicina, 102(4), e-203118.