Secondary hypogammaglobilinemia after use of carbamazepine: case report and review


  • Ana Paula B Moschione Castro University of São Paulo; Faculty of Medicine; Hospital das Clínicas; Children's Institute
  • Maria das Graças Redmershi University of São Paulo; Faculty of Medicine; Hospital das Clínicas; Children's Institute
  • Antonio Carlos Pastorino University of São Paulo; Faculty of Medicine; Hospital das Clínicas; Children's Institute
  • José Albino da Paz University of São Paulo; Faculty of Medicine; Hospital das Clínicas; Children's Institute
  • Angela Bueno Ferraz Fomin University of São Paulo; Faculty of Medicine; Hospital das Clínicas; Children's Institute
  • Cristina Miuki Abe Jacob University of São Paulo; Faculty of Medicine; Hospital das Clínicas; Children's Institute



Epilepsy, Immunodeficiency, Carbamazepine, Immunoglobulin, Anticonvulsant therapy


Immunologic disorders related to anticonvulsant therapy have been described in the last three decades, including cellular and humoral alterations that result in recurrent infections; however, the physiopathologic mechanisms are not completely understood. This report describes a patient with complex partial epilepsy and hypogammaglobulinemia while in treatment with carbamazepine, with significant improvement in clinical signs and laboratory tests after substitution to sodium valproate. The authors stress the importance of clinical and laboratory evaluation of patients in continuous anticonvulsant therapy, including immunoglobulins levels and peripheral blood evaluations.







How to Cite

Castro, A. P. B. M., Redmershi, M. das G., Pastorino, A. C., Paz, J. A. da, Fomin, A. B. F., & Jacob, C. M. A. (2001). Secondary hypogammaglobilinemia after use of carbamazepine: case report and review . Revista Do Hospital Das Clínicas, 56(6), 189-192.