Chagas' Disease: an acute transfusional case report
Doença de Chagas aguda transfusional, Notificação, Vigilância epidemiológicaAbstract
Report of a case of acute transfusional Chagas'disease in a four-year-old child with a previous diagnosis of acute lymphocytic leukemia, transmitted in São Paulo, the Capital of São Paulo State, Brazil. Epidemiological investigation disclosed the donor's serological positivity and his previous residence in an area where Chagas' disease is endemic. The importance of adequate sorological screening in blood donors is evident. It should be stressed that this is the first case notified to the Superintendência de Controle de Endemias (SUCEN) (Superintendency for the Endemy Control) of the State Secretariat of Health, São Paulo, for the last five years.Downloads
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Case Reports
How to Cite
Wanderley, D. M. V., Camargo, L. M. A., & Carvalho, M. E. de. (1988). Chagas’ Disease: an acute transfusional case report . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 30(6), 437-440.