Activity of Tri-N-Butyl Tin maleate in carpets against Staphylococcus aureus and Aspergillus niger, verified through two methodologies: Inhibition Halo (HZ) and Inhibition Surface (Print)


  • Satiko Uehara Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas; Laboratório de Micologia
  • Marcia Regina Franzolin Instituto Butantan; Laboratório de Bacteriologia
  • Flávio César Viani Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas; Laboratório de Micologia
  • Soledad Chiesa Universidade Bandeirantes
  • Aricelma Pinheiro França Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas; Laboratório de Micologia
  • Claudete Rodrigues Paula Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas; Laboratório de Micologia


Antifungal, Antibacterial, Carpets


The aim of the present study was to verify the activity of the Tri-N-Butyl Tin maleate compound against Staphylococcus aureus and Aspergillus niger, after its industrial application in 40 samples of carpets of different materials (polypropylene, polyester, polyamide and wool). The qualitative assays were performed through two methodologies: Inhibition Halo (HZ) and Inhibition of Surface (Print). The carpet with the product inhibited 100% of bacterial (Staphylococcus aureus) and fungi (Aspergillus niger) growth, under the conditions of this study. The microbial inhibition was higher in upper portion of carpets. The methodologies employed appear to be adequate to test the bactericide and fungicide activities of the Tri-N-Butyl Tin maleate. The print methodology confirmed the results obtained by the inhibition zone assay. Further studies using the same methodologies are needed to confirm our results.


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How to Cite

Uehara, S., Franzolin, M. R., Viani, F. C., Chiesa, S., França, A. P., & Paula, C. R. (2008). Activity of Tri-N-Butyl Tin maleate in carpets against Staphylococcus aureus and Aspergillus niger, verified through two methodologies: Inhibition Halo (HZ) and Inhibition Surface (Print) . Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De São Paulo, 50(3), 191-194.