Antecedents of organizational identification: implications for employee performance


  • IQRA University
  • IQRA University



Jobsatisfaction, Workplace incivility, Employee performance, Organizational identification, Supervision support



This study aims to investigate the impact of three determinants of organizational identification (OID) on employee performance (EP) in the context of private business institutions.


A sample of 175 permanent faculty members from four top universities in Karachi, Pakistan, was interviewed using a five-point Likert scale questionnaire. The data were inserted in SPSS 22 and SmartPLS v 3.2 for performing the analysis.


Results of the study showed a significant effect in perceived supervisor support on OID; OID; job satisfaction and EP; and mediating relationship. Conversely, an insignificant effect was observed in workplace incivility.

Research limitations/implications

It is highly recommended that organizations work on the areas that lead to enhancing their employees’ performance. Also, human resource should create a healthy culture that promotes initiatives, open-door policies and discourages power distance. Lastly, one of the key responsibilities of management is to strengthen their OID because employees are more likely to identify with their supervisors if they invest in the organizations they work for.

Practical implications

This study will help strengthen the relationship between supervisors and university employees. It will guide the supervisors to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of their subordinates and develop recreational policies and employee engagement activities. In addition, it will help develop a conducive environment and enhance the quality of education in the university and the society.


Understanding the determinants of OID on EP in the educational context is very important as it enhances the quality of EP and the overall quality of education of the institution.


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