Factors associated with common mental disorders: a study based on clusters of women





Women, Mental Disorders, epidemiology, Risk Factors, Socioeconomic Factors, Latent Class Analysis


OBJECTIVE: to identify factors associated with common mental disorders (CMD) in a sample of adult women in Southern Brazil. METHODS: This population-based study, composed of 1,128 women, investigated socioeconomic, behavioral and health/disease explanatory demographic variables. Five response groups were explored: one group with common mental disorders – cut-off point 6/7 in the SelfReporting Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20) – and four others corresponding to the different clusters found using the latent class clustering technique, also from the SRQ-20. These four clusters (low, medium-depressive, medium-digestive and high) were named (denominated) based on the mean scores in the SRQ-20 in each group and on the response patterns of the variables and factorial characteristics. The “low” cluster comprised women with lower SRQ-20 scores and, therefore less likely to present CMD. The “high” cluster, with high mean values in the SRQ-20, was related to higher psychiatric morbidity. We used the Poisson regression technique to compare the findings of the different groups. RESULTS: We identified ten variables as factors associated with CMD. Age, education, smoking, physical activity, perception of health and number of medical appointments were the common variables for the cut-off point and cluster-based analyses. Heavy alcohol use was associated only when the sample was evaluated as a cut-off point. Social class, work situation and existence of chronic diseases were associated only when the sample was analyzed by clusters. There was a significant association in the “high” cluster with lower classes (D or E), smoking, physical inactivity, existence of chronic diseases and negative perception of health. CONCLUSION: We identified different associated factors according to the response groups considered. New approaches allowing identification of subgroups of individuals with specific characteristics and associated factors may contribute for a more accurate understanding of CMD and provide the basis for health interventions.


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How to Cite

Grapiglia, C. Z., Costa, J. S. D. da, Pattussi, M. P., Paniz, V. M. V., & Olinto, M. T. A. (2021). Factors associated with common mental disorders: a study based on clusters of women. Revista De Saúde Pública, 55, 77. https://doi.org/10.11606/s1518-8787.2021055003124

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