Potentially inappropriate prescribing in older adults in Mexico





Old person, Inappropriate Prescribing, Comorbidity, Misuse of Prescription Drugs, Medication-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions


OBJETIVE: To identify and quantify potentially inappropriate prescribing (prescripción potencialmente inapropiada, PPI) and other drug prescribing problems in public health care services in a population-based study at the three existing levels of complexity in Mexico.


Descriptive analysis of the Study on Satisfaction of Users of the Social Protection System in Health 2014–2016, prescription and drug supply section, to obtain the prevalence of PPI in older adults (≥ 65 years), based on Beers, STOPP, Prescrire and BSP listings using AM (older adults) prescription indicators, one for each listing.


Most older adults (67%) were prescribed at least one medication, with a mean of 2.7 medications per prescription. The PPI prevalence was 74% according to the BSP criteria, 67% according to the STOPP listing, 59% with the Beer criteria, and 20% with Prescrire. The most frequent PPI prescriptions were NSAIDs, vasodilators and sulfonylureas.


The use of PPIs in AM is high in Mexico. The higher prevalence found in this study may reflect the use of a source with population representativeness. The partial use and adaptations of the criteria make difficult comparing the studies; however, the STOPP criteria are the ones with the highest prevalence, as they cover a greater number of drugs and their use is more common in the first level of care.


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How to Cite

Saturno-Hernández, P. J., Poblano-Verástegui, O., Acosta-Ruiz, O., Bautista-Morales, A. C., Gómez-Cortez, P. M., Alcántara-Zamora, J. L. ., & Gutiérrez-Robledo, L. M. (2021). Potentially inappropriate prescribing in older adults in Mexico. Revista De Saúde Pública, 55, 80. https://doi.org/10.11606/s1518-8787.20210550033110