Marketing communication strategies on labels of food products consumed by children




Children’s Health, Food Labeling, Food Advertising, Child Nutrition


OBJECTIVE: Analyze marketing communication strategies (MCS) of labels of food products consumed by children under 5 years of age from the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) in the city of Rio de Janeiro. METHODS: In total, 390 labels of ultra-processed foods and industrialized baby foods were analyzed. The products were organized by similarity into 24 groups. Photographs of labels from each group were analyzed to identify the MCS, which were categorized into “presence of characters and/or celebrities,” “emotional appeal,” “freebies offering,” “health appeal,” “sensory stimulation,” “brand or slogan use,” “promotional price,” “advertisement under advertisement,” and “sustainability appeal.” The percentage frequency of labels according to the number of MCS per label; the total and average frequency of MCS according to the food group; the frequency of MCS type according to the food group; and communication resources by type of MCS were computed. RESULTS: 1 to 19 strategies were found per label and an average of 7.2 MCS per label, totaling 2,792 occurrences. The MCS “sensory stimulation,” “health appeal,” “brand or slogan use,” and “advertisement under advertising” were observed in all food groups. “Freebies offering” and “promotional price” were observed in eight and six food groups, respectively. In food groups of bread; dairy products; and sweets, candies, and goodies, all nine types of MCS included in the study were identified. The groups that presented fewer types of MCS (n=5) were: peanuts, instant noodles, and margarines. Of the total MCS identified on the labels, the most frequent were “sensory stimulation” (29.4%) and “health appeal” (18.2%); and the least frequent were “freebies offering” (0.8%) and “promotional price” (0.4%). The “emotional appeal” strategy presented the highest diversity of communication resources. CONCLUSION: Rigorous regulatory measures are required to protect consumers from massive exposure to MCS on food labels.


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How to Cite

Maldonado, L. A., Farias, S. C., Cruz, K. V. da, Santos, B. P. dos, Castro, L. M. C., & Castro, I. R. R. de. (2023). Marketing communication strategies on labels of food products consumed by children. Revista De Saúde Pública, 57(1), 92.