Possible interference of pre-existing tetanus antitoxin in antitetanus immunization


  • Rosalvo Guidolin Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Ciência de Ciências; Departamento de Microbiologia
  • Flávio Zelante Universidade de São Paulo; Instituto de Ciência de Ciências; Departamento de Microbiologia
  • Elide H. G. Rocha Medeiros Escola Paulista de Medicina; Departamento de Pediatria
  • Paulo Roberto Vitali Lacreta Syntex do Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda; Departamento de Produção Biológica




Tetanus^i2^sguinea pigs and m, Tetanus antitoxin, Tetanus toxoid


Possibility of interference in the development of active antitetanic immunity was studied in the offspring of guinea pigs and mice whose mothers had received antitetanic vaccine during different periods of pregnancy. Vaccination of the females during pregnancy did not interfere negatively in the development of active immunity in their offspring when the latter were vaccinated about 60 days after birth. The presence of small amounts of circulating antibodies, congenitally received, seems, under certain conditions, to stimulate the immune response upon posterior vaccination against tetanus. This suggests that the acquired antigen-antibody complex heightens the immune response induced by the toxoid.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Guidolin, R., Zelante, F., Medeiros, E. H. G. R., & Lacreta, P. R. V. (1981). Possible interference of pre-existing tetanus antitoxin in antitetanus immunization . Revista De Saúde Pública, 15(2), 205-210. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0034-89101981000200005