Vulnerability to HIV among female injecting drug users


  • Valéria Nanci Silva Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina
  • Ana Flávia d'Oliveira USP; FM; Departamento de Medicina Preventiva
  • Fábio Mesquita Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research



Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome^i2^sprevention & cont, Women, Health vulnerability, Gender and health, Substance abuse^i2^sintraven, Substance abuse^i2^sprevention & cont


OBJECTIVE: To assess some aspects of vulnerability to HIV infection in women users of injecting drugs. METHODS: Thirteen semi-structured interviews were performed with female drug users (or former users) of injecting drugs, leaving in the East side of São Paulo, in 2002. The script of interviews approached four focal point issues: socioeconomic context and affective relationships, drug use, prevention against HIV and health care. Interviews were assessed through content analysis. RESULTS: Poverty, absence of strong and continuous affective ties, being expelled from the family and school, exposure to violence, institutionalization, drug use, criminality, and discrimination were constant in interviewees' reports. These aspects made it difficult to adopt practices for HIV prevention such as the use of condoms, disposable syringes and needles, and looking for health care services. CONCLUSIONS: Vulnerability to HIV infection makes it clear the fragility use have effective access to social, economic and cultural rights, requiring welfare policies of specific population segments such as women (children and adolescents), low income citizens, people living in the outskirts, with poor access to educational, cultural and health resources. This access is complicated especially for those that are discriminated by behaviors such as drug use.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Silva, V. N., d'Oliveira, A. F., & Mesquita, F. (2007). Vulnerability to HIV among female injecting drug users . Revista De Saúde Pública, 41(suppl.2), 22-30.