Modifications for the tukey test procedure and evaluation of the power and efficiency of multiple comparison procedures
multiple comparison statistical tests, type I errors, Monte Carlo method, power of testsAbstract
Multiple pairwise comparison tests of treatment means are of great interest in applied research. Two modifications for the Tukey test were proposed. The power of unilateral and bilateral Student, Waller-Duncan, Duncan, SNK, REGWF, REGWQ, Tukey, Bonferroni, Sidak, unilateral Dunnet statistical tests and the modified tests, Sidak, Bonferroni 1 and 2, Tukey 1 and 2, has been compared using the Monte Carlo method. Data were generated for 600 experiments with eight treatments in a randomized block design, of which 400 had four and 200 eight blocks. The differences between the treatment means in relation to the control were 30%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%. Two extra treatments did not differ from the control. A coefficient of variation of 10% and a probability Type I error of α = 0.05 were adopted. The power of all the tests decreased when the differences to the control, decreased. The unilateral and bilateral Student t, Waller-Duncan and Duncan tests showed greater number of significative differences, followed by unilateral Dunnett, modified Sidak, modified Bonferroni 1 and 2, modified Tukey 1, SNK, REGWF, REGWQ, modified Tukey 2, Tukey, Sidak and Bonferroni. There is great loss of efficiency for all tests in relation to the unilateral Student t test for each difference of the treatment to the control, when the differences between means decrease. The modified tests were always more efficient than their original ones.Downloads
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Modifications for the tukey test procedure and evaluation of the power and efficiency of multiple comparison procedures . (2008). Scientia Agricola, 65(4), 428-432.