Who can work with acupuncture in Brazil?





Acupuncture, Professional Training, Brazilian National Health System (SUS), Professional Practice, Integrative and Complementary Practices


Acupuncture is offered in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS), but its practice is matter of legal disputes. This study analyzes aspects of this practice by different professionals of the field of health. An analysis of scientific and institutional literature (Brazilian and international), whose selection was intentionally guided, was carried out. The results address aspects of the dispute over the practice of acupuncture; the teaching of acupuncture and its regulations; and the operationalization of records of acupuncture practice in the SUS. The absence of unified rules for this exercise generated infra-legal regulation of governmental institutions and professional corporations in Brazil, admitting multidisciplinary practice, in accordance with the guidelines of the World Health Organization.


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Author Biography

  • Arthur de Sá Ferreira, Consórcio Acadêmico Brasileiro de Saúde Integrativa. São Paulo, SP, Brasil

    Centro Universitário Augusto Motta. Programa de Pós-graduação
    em Ciências da Reabilitação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil





Critical Review of Literature

How to Cite

Mocarzel, R., Kornin, A., Tesser, C., & Ferreira, A. de S. (2024). Who can work with acupuncture in Brazil?. Saúde E Sociedade, 33(2), e230197pt. https://doi.org/10.1590/