We live balancing dishes: perspectives on violence that interrogates the public mental health in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


  • Fabiana Castelo Valadares
  • Edinilsa Ramos Souza Fiocruz; Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca; Centro Latino Americano de Estudos de Violência e Saúde Jorge Careli




This article has sought to characterize the mental health network of the city of Rio de Janeiro and understand the ways, practices and discourses focused the attention given to persons in situations of violence that come to these services. We carried out an exploratory study of quantitative and qualitative approaches that tackled professionals and managers in 22 mental health units. As a result we identified the production of knowledge and strategies to deal with situations and intervene in effect as stopping the cycle of violence, however these actions have little visibility into the entire network of health and are poorly integrated guidelines of National Policy on Reduction of Morbidity and Mortality from Accidents and Violence (PNRMAV). We conclude that attention in the area of mental health for victims of violence is being held in a non-integrated meanwhile PNRMAV which exposes the gaps.


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Violence: an issue at the interface between health and society

How to Cite

Valadares, F. C., & Souza, E. R. (2014). We live balancing dishes: perspectives on violence that interrogates the public mental health in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil . Saúde E Sociedade, 23(3), 841-854. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-12902014000300009