Margarita Antonia Villar Luis

Editor-in-Chief. Full Professor, Department of Psychiatric Nursing and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing. WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development Brazil



One year has gone by, a lot of work has been done and 2009 reveals new enterprises and challenges.

SMAD keeps up its efforts to be indexed in new databases, although its current indexations already guarantee good visibility in Brazil and internationally. Scientific journals are faced with increasing demands, and we will try to meet all of these (especially in terms of editorial board, periodicity, structure and journal access).

Your cooperation, however, dear reader and colleague, is fundamental in this task. Believe in the journal’s growth potential, send us your articles, not only knowledge updates, but also original research data. After all, solid and interesting studies deserve rapid dissemination so as not to lose momentum. Whether you are a faculty member or health service professional, educational or other professional, and have experiences in the areas covered by the journal which you consider important and relevant to share, please register your work carefully in compliance with publication standards, and do not hesitate to submit your manuscript for evaluation by SMAD.

We are planning some changes for the near future, including a longer abstract for the sake of a better understanding of the articles. Write us and let us know your opinion about this.

Proceeding with our tradition to publish texts on mental health and psychoactive substances, this issue presents studies by European and Latin American colleagues on heroin users. This experience is not very frequent in some countries and therefore highly relevant, as previously local initiatives can be disseminated in a global and dynamic world.

Another issue addressed is female smoking, within a document-based historical perspective, considering proposals by the Ministry of Health on female smoking habits and analyzing the clinical implications of smoking for pregnancy, with a view to obtaining foundations for nursing actions in women’s health promotion.

Other articles focus on the spectrum of mental health itself, concentrating on issues like workers’ health in the administrative sector of a company. This exploratory research can stimulate the future development of other similar or broader studies.

The study on the nurse-patient help relationship after a suicide attempt unveils a theme that receives little attention from health professionals, in the academy or care units. This experience offers an opportunity for reflection.

Finally, this issue presents the biography of the dean of the first Brazilian School of Nursing. This constitutes a noteworthy fact for mental health, as this School was created in association with the Hospice of the alienated, with a view to care delivery for this clientele. In other words, at least in its origins, Brazilian nursing is unquestionably based on mental health. It would be very productive to maintain these roots’ strength in nursing professionals’ education.

Enjoy your read!