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Editorial Services

== USP Journals Portal ==

The ABCD Development, Innovation and Digital Collections Management Division team uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) to support the publication of open access academic and scientific journals led by faculty, students and researchers. Learn more about what we offer, our policies and the main benefits of using our OJS platform and service.

Some of the main benefits of our service are listed below:

Journals linked to the university’s Units, Institutes, Centers and Museums can host and publish editions (current and retrospective) free of charge on the USP Magazine Portal, as long as they are recognized by the units and accredited in the USP Periodical Publications Support Program.
We cover online hosting and backup costs, as well as technical updates to the Open Journal System (OJS) and registration of DOIs with Crossref.

The service is based on the “Diamond Open Access” journal publishing model, that is, the institution provides financial resources to journals through Annual Notices. In return, the periodicals are available with free and permanent online access to their content and do not charge Article Processing Fees (APCs). Following an Open Access model means that journals can be read by anyone, without price barriers. It also helps promote its visibility, usage and impact.
We use the latest version of Open Journal Systems (OJS), a web-based open software journal management and publishing platform that can be used to manage the entire editorial workflow, including submission and peer review, or just to online publication.
Our team includes librarians, technicians, and analysts who assist with every step of your magazine setup, including initial magazine website setup and basic user interface customization. We are available to answer technical questions and unify profiles, assign users and roles, as well as plugins.
The Agency has an agreement with LOCKSS and backs up published content to ensure its preservation and proper archiving.
The Agency provides information on the indexing of periodicals in national and international databases. It also guides editors to prepare their journal and website to ensure it meets the eligibility criteria for the various abstracting and indexing databases.
The Agency registers the journal’s ISSN with the Brazilian ISSN Center and also registers the title’s DOI with Crossref, bearing the activation costs. DOIs will have the USP prefix
Provides advice and best practice guidelines on issues relating to academic publishing
Provides tutorials and responds to requests for guidance on using the OJS system
Maintains a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) service on the USP Magazine Portal for quick clarification of doubts

The Editors:

They are responsible for updating the magazine’s website and managing editorial and production workflows, including:

peer review
review and translation
page layout
manipulation of illustrations and multimedia files
Publish content online, ensuring that bibliographic information and metadata completion are complete and correct

Mirror the publication of editions on the USP Magazine Portal, if the periodical is hosted on another website

Manage journal promotion, including any social media accounts or reader lists

Adopt authorship confirmation through ORCID. Authors are required to confirm, at the time of submission, that they and their co-authors meet the authorship requirements and provide an ORCID (Open Researcher Contributor ID).

Follow the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on ethics, integrity, conflict resolution and anti-plagiarism

Follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Statement on the use of Artificial Intelligence tools

The DOI of the article must be included in the PDF of the full text and authors are requested to add DOIs to the reference list and ORCiDs to their IDs

Ensure that published content does not infringe third-party copyrights

Publish content according to the magazine’s publishing schedule

Respond to Agency communications

Inform ABCD of any significant changes in the management of the magazine


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