Matrophobia or Matrocompliance?: Motherhood as “Experience and Institution” in the Poetry of Eavan Boland and Paula Meehan


  • Pilar Villar Argáiz University of Granada



Ireland, Motherhood, Poetry, Eavan Boland, Paula Meehan.


This article traces and examines representations of motherhood and
mother-daughter relationships in contemporary Irish women’s poetry in the light of Adrienne Rich’s theories in Of Woman Born. I particularly focus on Eavan Boland and Paula Meehan, whose work poses a direct challenge to the traditional values of motherhood, a metaphor that, in the Irish context, has been intrinsically connected with national identity. In their dealings with topics as diverse as pregnancy, childbirth, infertility, infanticide, miscarriage, abortion and motherdaughter relationships, both writers offer alternative perspectives to the myth of the benevolent and abnegated Mother, a social and cultural ideal recurrently manipulated in Ireland by nationalism and Catholicism.

Author Biography

  • Pilar Villar Argáiz, University of Granada

    VILLAR-ARGÁIZ, Pilar lectures in the Department of English Philology at the University of Granada, Spain, where she obtained a European Doctorate in English Studies (Irish Literature). She is the author of the books Eavan Boland’s Evolution as an Irish Woman Poet: An Outsider within an Outsider’s Culture (The Edwin Mellen Press, 2007) and The Poetry of Eavan Boland: A Postcolonial Reading (Academica
    Press, 2008). She has published extensively on contemporary Irish women’s poetry, cinematic representations of Ireland, and the theoretical background and application of feminism and postcolonialism to the study of Irish literature. In addition, Villar-Argáiz has co-edited two books on English/American literature. Her research has been published in the best peer-reviewed journals of her field: New Hibernia Review (USA), Irish University Review (Ireland), Nordic Irish Studies (Denmark), Internationalist Review of Irish Culture (Italy), An Sionnach: A Journal of Literature, Culture and the Arts (USA), Oxford Journal Contemporary Women’s Writing (Great Britain), Irish Studies
    Review (Great Britain), and Estudios Irlandeses: Spanish Journal of Irish Studies (Spain).




How to Cite

Villar Argáiz, P. (2009). Matrophobia or Matrocompliance?: Motherhood as “Experience and Institution” in the Poetry of Eavan Boland and Paula Meehan. ABEI Journal, 11, 127-146.