Interviewing Ciaran Carson


  • María Graciela Eliggi Universidad de La Pampa
  • María Graciela Adamoli Universidad de La Pampa



Ciaran Carson, Poetry, Translation.


Ciaran Carson (1948 -) is Professor of Poetry at Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is the author of several collections of poems, including First Language, which won the 1993 T. S. Eliot Prize. He has written prose books, a book about Irish traditional music, a memoir for Belfast and also a novel, Shamrock Tea, longlisted in 2001 for the Booker Prize. His translation of Dante’s Inferno (2002) was awarded the Oxford Weidenfeld Translation Prize. In 2005, he published The Midnight
Court, a translation of the classic Irish text “Cúirt an Mheaán Oíche” by Brian Merriman and in 2007 he translated “The Táin” from the old Irish epic Táin Bó Cúalinghe, with great success. During the summer of 2008 Prof. Ciaran Carson agreed to be interviewed in his office at Queen’s University, Belfast, by María Graciela Adamoli and María Graciela
Eliggi from the National University of La Pampa, Argentina who were interested in his work as poet as well as translator.

Author Biographies

  • María Graciela Eliggi, Universidad de La Pampa

    ELIGGI, María Graciela graduated as Teacher of English and Public Translator from the National Univeristy of La Plata, (1977, 1981). She later carried out post-graduate
    studies at the National University of Río Cuarto where she graduated as Magister in Anglo-American Literature (2008). She lectures at the National University of La Pampa,
    Argentina, and she is the Director of the UNLPam Translation Service. She has been carrying out research in the fields of translation and literature since 1994, the results of  which have been presented at national and international  conferences and have been published in specialized journals. At present, she is the director of a research project about the Irish in Argentina called “ Irlandeses en Argentina: recuperación de fuentes literaries, traducción y crítica.”

  • María Graciela Adamoli, Universidad de La Pampa

    ADAMOLI, Graciela María is a lecturer at the Universidad Nacional de La Pampa (UNLPam), Argentine. She has got a Master degree in Anglo-American Literature. Presently, she co-directs the project “Irlandeses en Argentina: Recuperación de fuentes literarias, traducción y crítica”. She has participated in numerous national and international Conferences and has published widely. She has co-edited two books on literature Estudios literarios sobre la cultura chicana and Towards an ever Expanding Canon.







How to Cite

Eliggi, M. G., & Adamoli, M. G. (2009). Interviewing Ciaran Carson. ABEI Journal, 11, 19-23.