Interviewing Hugo Hamilton


  • Laura P. Z. Izarra University of São Paulo
  • Patricia Aquino University of São Paulo



This interview took place at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, on 19th August 2013. Hamilton discussed the relationship between language and identity and reflected upon the art of writing in his novel The Speckled
People which is part of the curriculum of the undergraduate course of Linguistic and Literary Studies in English.

Keywords: Hugo Hamilton; The Speckcled People; language; identity; nation.

Author Biographies

  • Laura P. Z. Izarra, University of São Paulo
    Laura P.Z. Izarra is Associate Professor of Literatures in English and Coordinator of the W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Social Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil. She is the author of Mirrors and Holographic Labyrinths: The Process of a ‘New’ Aesthetic Synthesis in the Novels of John Banville (NY: International Scholars Publications, 1999) and Narrativas de la diáspora irlandesa bajo la Cruz del Sur (Argentina: Corregidor 2010); editor and co-editor of various books and the ABEI Journal. She has published widely on postcolonial literatures and criticism, and on Irish Studies, mainly on the Irish diaspora in South America.
  • Patricia Aquino, University of São Paulo
    Patricia de Aquino Prudente is a postgraduate student at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. She is currently finishing her MA research on the relationship between national identity and individual identity in Hugo Hamilton’s memoirs, The Speckled People and The Sailor in the Wardrobe. In August 2009, she received a grant by the Society of Irish Latin American Studies (SILAS) for her project Nationalism in William Bulfin’s Epistolary and Journalistic Discourse.







How to Cite

Izarra, L. P. Z., & Aquino, P. (2013). Interviewing Hugo Hamilton. ABEI Journal, 15, 51-63.