Sexuality and Eroticism in Kate O’Brien’s Novels: Mary Lavelle, That Lady and As Music and Splendour


  • Noélia Borges Universidade Federal da Bahia



Kate O’Brien, Novels, Sexuality, Eroticism


This article aims to investigate questions concerned with sexuality and eroticism in Kate O’Brien’s novels – Mary Lavelle (1936), That Lady (1948) and As Music and Splendour (1958) – recognizing that her feminine characters are individuals who disarticulate prejudices and stereotypes, opening up new possibilities for new subjects with personal autonomy, so that they can fulfill their own desires and needs.

Author Biography

  • Noélia Borges, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    NOÉLIA BORGES is Associate Professor in the Department of Germanic Letters at the Federal University of Bahia in Salvador. She holds a Ph.D. from Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Humanities of the University of São Paulo, with a thesis entitled Geography of Feminine Identities in Kate O’Brien’s novels: Mary Lavelle, That Lady and As Music and Splendour. Her main research is on Anglo-Irish literature and cinema. Co-author of Grasping the Meaning/Compreensão Inteligente de Textos, published by Ao Livro Técnico Editora S.A., vol. 1 and 2, 1988-1989. She has written many essays on English literatures, such as “Victorian Universe” published in Jornal A Tarde , “Mary Lavelle/Talk of Angels: from text to screen”.


Foucault, Michel. História da Sexualidade I: A Vontade do Saber. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Graal, 1988. 25-26.

O’Brien, Kate. Talk of Angels (Mary Lavelle). New York: Miramax Books, 1997.

____. As Music and Splendour. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1958.

____. That Lady. London: Virago, 1996.

Jung, Carl G. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Vol. 9, Part 1. Trans. R.F.C. Hull. New York: Princeton University Press, 1980.

Segal, Lynne. Sexualities, Identity and Difference. Ed. Kathryn Woodward. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. 1999. 184-228







How to Cite

Borges, N. (2005). Sexuality and Eroticism in Kate O’Brien’s Novels: Mary Lavelle, That Lady and As Music and Splendour. ABEI Journal, 7(1), 135-142.