Three Poems by Victoria Kennefick


  • Victoria Kennefick
  • Gisele Wolkoff Universidade Federal Fluminense



Poetry, Irish poetry, Translation


“Selfie,” “Smell Dating,” and “Hunger Strikes Victoria Kennefick” are part of the collection Eat Or We Both Starve (2021) by Victoria Kennefick, published by Carcanet Press. All rights reserved.

Author Biographies

  • Victoria Kennefick

    Victoria Kennefick is a poet, writer and teacher from Shanagarry, Co. Cork now based in Co. Kerry. Her first collection, Eat or We Both Starve is published by Carcanet Press. Her pamphlet, White Whale (Southword Editions, 2015), won the Munster Literature Centre Fool for Poetry Chapbook Competition and the Saboteur Award for Best Poetry Pamphlet. Her work has appeared in Poetry, The Poetry Review, PN Review, Poetry Ireland Review, The Stinging Fly, Poetry News, Prelude, Copper Nickel, The Irish Times, Ambit, bath magg, Banshee and elsewhere. She won the 2013 Red Line Book Festival Poetry Prize and many of her poems have also been anthologised and broadcast on national radio stations. A recipient of a Next Generation Artist Award from the Arts Council of Ireland, she has received bursaries from Kerry County Council and Words Ireland. She is a co-host of the Unlaunched Books Podcast and is on the committee of Listowel Writers’ Week, Ireland’s longest-running literary festival. Victoria holds a doctorate in English from University College Cork and studied at Emory University and Georgia College and State University as part of a Fulbright Scholarship. Her research on the short stories of Flannery O’Connor and Frank O’Connor was also funded by an IRCHSS Scholarship and a MARBL Fellowship.

  • Gisele Wolkoff, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Gisele Giandoni Wolkoff teaches at the Institute for Human and Social Sciences of the Federal Fluminense University in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she is also a member of the Centre for Translation and Creation. Organizer of poetic anthologies, she is also a poet and translator. She was a visiting scholar at the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan, where she developed research about contemporary poetry and translation.






Voices from Brazil

How to Cite

Kennefick, V. (2021). Three Poems by Victoria Kennefick (G. Wolkoff , Trans.). ABEI Journal, 23(1), 177-182.