Newman by Himself; New Man, by O’Faolain


  • Munira H. Mutran Universidade de São Paulo



John Henry Newman's Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1865) shows the divided self and the search for a spiritual identity. Sean O'Faolain's biography Newman's Way (1952) presents a new man in a larger social context. Self portrait and portrait prove quite different and the examination of the two texts tells much about the frontiers between autobiography and biography.

Author Biography

  • Munira H. Mutran, Universidade de São Paulo

    MUNIRA H. MUTRAN has been responsible for the postgraduate programme in Irish Studies at the University of São Paulo since 1980. She is the editor of an anthology of Irish short stories, Guirlanda de Histórias (1996), and Joyce in Brazil (1997), is co-editor of ABEl Journal - The Brazilian Journal ofIrish Studies and has published several articles on Irish drama and fiction.




How to Cite

Mutran, M. H. (2000). Newman by Himself; New Man, by O’Faolain. ABEI Journal, 2(1), 99-106.