New World animals depicted in the “Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat” by Simon de Myle (1570): a study of iconographic sources




Simon de Myle, Noah’s Ark, Painting, 17th century, Animals in Art, America, History of Zoogeography, Amerigo Vespucci, Joseph de Acosta, Athanasius Kircher


Active in the third quarter of the 16th century, Simon de Myle is really enigmatic, as his life and career remain completely unknown up to day. The “Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat” is his only painting signed and dated ("Simone de Myle inventor et fecit 1570"), and figures the animals disembark after the deluge. Considering even the very poor representations, this picture encompasses not less than 228 monsters, birds, and quadrupeds, without considering the corpses, and aquatic animals left behind by the water reflux. Noticeable iconographic sources include several books of the “Historia Animalium” by Conrad Gesner, and also the “Warachtighe Fabulen der Dieren” by Marcus Gheeraerts. Unlike other 16th century paintings about the same topic, the “Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat” represents an unexpected core of New World animals composed by two mammals, two “prodigious beasts”, and at least three birds. Inadvertently, Simon de Myle evokes the doubts that existed at this time about Noah’s Ark not being able to house the multitude of zoological species discovered overseas, particularly in the Americas. Mentioned since 1502 by Amerigo Vespucci, this question would be perpetuated throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, leading authors such as Joseph de Acosta (1590) and Athanasius Kircher (1675) to seek a improbable reconciliation between the factual reality observed on the other side of the ocean and the revealed truth exposed in the book of Genesis.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, D. M. (2022). New World animals depicted in the “Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat” by Simon de Myle (1570): a study of iconographic sources. Arquivos De Zoologia, 53(2), 11-31.